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St Luke's Primary School

How are parents involved in the setting?

We always strive to work in partnership with parents/carers and welcome their involvement. We hold learning events regularly for parents and carers (celebrations of learning; workshops etc) and survey parent/carer opinion regularly. We have an active PCTA (Parent/Carer/Teacher Association) and they welcome new members. We have a parent/carer-run SEN Parent Group for parent and carers of children with diagnosed/complex needs which meets half termly.

We hold termly parent/carer and class teacher meetings. Teachers are happy to meet parents/carers at other times at their request and will also request meetings with parents/carers ourselves at other times when necessary. The SENDCo and other senior leaders meet parents/carers all the time and consider this a very important part of their role.  All parents/carers are very welcome to make an appointment to discuss children’s needs, however large or small, at any time. We also welcome and are grateful to a large group of parent/carer volunteers in school.