Supporting children’s well-being is our most important job: We teach about gentle / safe touch through ˜peer massage”; we learn about behaviour as rights, responsibilities and choices; we think carefully about the way we make all children and their families feel equally welcome (e.g: talking about ˜grown-ups” not “mums and dads”); we teach children to solve problems peacefully; we teach children how to learn well together. We actively listen to children. There are also many opportunities for pupils to contribute their views (eg class/school council; eco council; equalities-team). We employ a counsellor; 4 mentors and can access primary mental health worker support.
Being happy socially is crucial to most children’s well-being. We map children’s friendships (sociograms) to check that everyone has positive peer relationships and we plan support to help where there is a need. Playground staff organise a rich range of activities/equipment in the playground so that children can find happy social experiences to engage in. Mentors and other staff make sure all children are included in play. We often create groups/activities to support children who find playtimes/social experiences challenging. Peers also support peers and we have children in roles to facilitate this: PPS (Peaceful Problem Solvers); Play Leaders and Sports Leaders for example.
We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer which we know can be very supportive of children’s well-being. These activities (like everything at St Luke’s) are open to all children and if a child needs support to attend a club or activity – we will provide it.
We create specific plans for children who have medical or intimate care needs to maintain their dignity and well-being.
To support the well-being of children with complex needs, we often talk to parents/carers about how we can help children understand their own disability/difference and sometimes support those children in explaining this to their classmates. We believe understanding and learning about each other’s needs helps our whole school learn and play better together.